Chats on Angling

H. V Hart Davis

H.V. Hart-Davis’s Chats on Angling offers timeless advice on the art of fly-fishing for Salmon, trout, sea-trout, and grayling. Whether dry-fly fishing for plump chalk stream trout of the Test and Itchen, or on one of England’s most exclusive fishing waters, the Driffield Beck in Yorkshire, or salmon fishing the big waters of Scotland and Ireland, Chats on Angling remains the classic, indispensable guide.

As Mr Hart-Davis begins his book, many fishermen will agree…..‘To those who love angling, with all its associations and surroundings, no apology may be needed for inflicting on them in book form certain short articles which have mainly appeared in the columns of the Field. They are ‘Chats’ rather than didactic deliverances, and are offered in the belief that much will be forgiven to a brother angler, since all that pertains to the beloved pastime has some interest, and the experiences of the poorest writer that ever recorded his views and fancies may haply strike some responsive note.


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